It’s now just over a month before I’ll be attending my first ever Historical Novel Society UK Conference, at Dartington Hall in Devon. Going as a delegate, it is so exciting to think I will be at an event where I will be ‘rubbing shoulders’ with some of the authors whose work I devour.
I’m particularly looking forward to listening to S. G. Maclean in conversation with agent, Lisa Highton, at the final session of the Conference. As you can see from the line-up of books on my own bookshelf, she is a real favourite of mine.
This promises to be a fantastic event with some great sessions. Some others that I’m looking forward to, and from which I’m hoping my own work will benefit, are writing dialogue in historical fiction, settings and costumes and bringing history to life on the page.
My next task, before the event, is to write my pitch for my own agent/publisher one-to-one session at which I will talk about the novel I am in the final editing stages of at the moment, set in Berwick-upon-Tweed in 1560.
I booked my place at this event almost a year ago, not really having much idea what to expect, or who else would be attending. It’s been great to be part of the Facebook group that was set up for delegates to exchange information about themselves, their own work, and practical elements like organising social occasions during the event.
I’m so looking forward to meeting people there and having a fantastic, productive few days in the fabulous, historic setting of Dartington. I can’t promise not to come back loaded up with new books to go onto the ‘to-read’ shelf from the conference bookstall – just don’t tell my husband!